Homeschoolers welcome!
stylus offers tutoring in Coding & Robotics focused on ages 12 to 16 but appropriate for curious kids of any age. The methodology is practical, and all lessons are backed up with practical exercises and real-world applications; the mantra is “There is no theory”. The modern student does not learn effectively from pictures in a textbook and YouTube videos do not offer the structure, guidance and feedback that is key to the learning process.
The Department of Education has been slinging around terms such as the 4th Industrial Revolution and IoT for years and to their credit finalised a Coding & Robotics curriculum this year. Implementing this plan seems delayed and we encourage you to investigate how far your child’s school is in this regard. Do they have the resources and the knowledge to excite their students or will this be another example of a practical subject taught from a textbook and some YouTube videos for the more fortunate?
We offer customised courses including lessons covering:
Arduino microcomputers are popular among DIY coders and electronics hobbyists and are perfect for STEM and coding & robotics students.
- the basic electronic components and building circuits with them
- the basics of coding using a variety of appropriate software including Scratch, LOGO Basic, Windows scripting and Visual Basic for Applications to teach both the theory and the practical skills required at all levels
- building with and programming Arduino
- web development in HTML5 and CSS all the way through to JavaScript, PHP and MySQL