Almost all computer devices have at least one small speaker, even if it is just there to “beep” when an error occurs! A speaker converts an electrical signal (digital) to a sound wave (analog).

Required knowledge:
Hardware output diagram.
Hardware output diagram.
The Information Processing Cycle with the Ouput component highlighted.
The Information Processing Cycle.

1. Construction

Computer speaker.
Computer speaker.

A speaker consists of:

  • a speaker cone, or diaphragm
  • a voice coil
  • a magnet

The speaker itself is often built into a speaker box which offers additional acoustic amplification.

Headphones are designed to be worn on a user’s head so that a small speaker is held in place over each ear.

2. How it works

  1. An amplifier sends a signal to the speaker’s terminals.
  2. The current flows through the coil of wire, suspended in the circular gap between the magnet poles.
  3. The coil moves back and forth inside the magnetic field as the current alternates direction with the applied signal.
  4. The centre of the speaker cone, attached to the coil, gets driven back and forth.
  5. As the cone moves, it pushes and pulls the surrounding air, creating pressure waves—sound!

3. Practical

Take an old speaker from a computer and attach a piece of copper wire to each terminal. Hold one wire on the positive terminal of a 9V battery and tap the other on the negative terminal.


  1. Harris, O., SoundScapeHQ. (2023) How Do Speakers Work? A Guide To Components, Working Principle, And Troubleshooting. Available at: (Accessed: 7 July 2024).

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher who has just finished training as a Young Engineers instructor. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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