The world of technology is littered with three-letter-acronyms and other abbreviations. Rather than provide the full term in brackets after an abbreviation, the option to use the <abbr> tag should be used in HTML5.

The following HTML:

<p>The <abbr title="Practical Assessment Task">PAT</abbr> is a crucial part of the <abbr title="Computer Applications Technology">CAT</abbr> curriculum.</p>

results in the following on a webpage:

The PAT is a crucial part of the CAT curriculum.

The value provided for the title attribute of the tag will appear as a screen-tip when the user hovers over the tagged abbreviation in a browser.

The <abbr> tag is not in the CAT curriculum and should score you an extra mark if you use it correctly in the Phase 3 HTML website section.


  1. HTML abbr tag (2023). Available at: (Accessed: 12 July 2023).

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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