This will become less of a problem as AI-powered spelling and grammar-checking become pervasive in all software.

Spacing errors creep into Word documents through copy-pasting and sloppy typing. Basic English grammar rules apply, and the spelling & grammar check should highlight these errors. I find it easier to first check for spacing errors quickly (and of course correct word spacing is required by the CAT PAT rubric) before running a spell-check as follows:

In this tutorial:
  1. Ctrl + f
  2. Check these
Required knowledge:

1. Ctrl + f

Annotated screenshot of a Word document illustrating the method for checking for spacing errors.
Annotated screenshot of a Word document.
  1. CTRL + F (or select the Navigation Pane option on the View menu) to open the Navigation panel
  2. In the search box, type two consecutive spaces (hit the spacebar twice)
  3. The number of instances of the string entered in Step 2 will be listed
  4. Each instance of the string will be highlighted in the text
  5. You can move from one instance to the next using these controls

2. Check these

The following combinations (and any others you can think of) should not appear in the document and as you enter the combination in the Search box you should see zero occurrences of each in the resulting search:

  2. SPACE + ,
  3. SPACE + .
  4. SPACE + ;
  5. SPACE + :
  6. SPACE + !
  7. SPACE + ?
  8. SPACE + )
  9. SPACE + ]
  10. SPACE + }
  11. ( + SPACE
  12. [ + SPACE
  13. { + SPACE
  14. - + SPACE
  15. SPACE + -

By MisterFoxOnline

Mister Fox AKA @MisterFoxOnline is an ICT, IT and CAT Teacher. He has a passion for technology and loves to find solutions to problems using the skills he has learned in the course of his IT career.

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